Learn To Meditate Daily | Free Taster Session

Tuesday 14th May | 12-12.45pm
With Sama

Join us on for a sneak peek into our popular Learn to Meditate Daily course to discover the transformative power of meditation at our free taster session. Whether you're new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice, this is your chance to experience the calming benefits of mindfulness.

Sama will guide you through introductory techniques and provide insight into how meditation can enhance your wellbeing. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.

Book Your Free Space


"I discovered meditation after a mental health crisis in 2009, first learning Deepak Chopras Primordial Sound Meditation and later Vedic Meditation (the most ancient form) with London Meditation Centre. Having completed a number of meditation trainings, still learning and being a busy working mum of 2 I understand how hard it can be to establish a regular practice, so my intention is to introduce you or if you have already have a practice, a reminder of the life changing benefits of Meditation."


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