Sunday 13th April | 12pm - 1.30pm
Before the childhood trauma
Before she learnt how to shut down
Before she learnt to be quiet
Before she learnt to be fearful
She laughed, she played, she was sensitive and aware
She knew herself and didn’t judge herself
Until she was taught she wasn’t good enough
Taught to tone it down
Told off for the slightest thing that she didn’t even realise was wrong
Though the BREATH we can give this child within you a choice
You can speak to her and listen to her
You can connect to her in ways you haven’t been able to before
It’s a liberating experience and will open your eyes to SO much about WHO YOU ARE
Members £20 | Non-members £30 | Book Here

Natasha de Grunwald is a published author, international Breathwork, Trauma and Somatic expert. She is the founder of the Trauma Release Method and Seismic Orgasmic Breath experience.
Based in London and Brighton she travels internationally to facilitate Breathwork events and to teach healing methods for mind, body and soul. As a powerful speaker and advocate for trauma and Somatic healing she runs events, workshops and retreats along with 1:1 client work.
With 4 decades of experience as a leader practising and teaching holistic and complimentary therapies her passion and expertise centres around Breathwork, nervous system regulation, trauma healing, Somatic modalities, inner child and shadow work, myofascial touch, ancient healing practices, nutrition and powerful coaching.